Year 5-Mercury
Welcome to Mercury Class Webpage
Teacher: Mr Davies
LSA: Mrs Smith
In Mercury class we value respect: respecting ourselves first and foremost, taking pride in our work, and showing respect for others. Together we will strive to become better and do our best, using our growth mind-sets to face any challenges. We are proud of how our classroom is a diverse and respectful place to learn.
Things to remember:
- PE is on a Tuesday and Friday so please make sure you have your full PE kit.
- To bring your school water bottle (filled and ready to go for the day). These were given to each child at the start of the school year and must be replaced if lost.
- To bring your reading record and book to school each day and of course, take them home each evening.
- Read at home every day for at least 10 minutes.
- Practise your timestables - TTRS is great fun!
- Homework spellings will be sent out and tested every Monday so please practise at home so you can be proud of your score.
Driver Project
Our learning for this term will be around the project of 'Sow, Grow and Farm'. This project will cover various elements of the Geography and Science curriculum as well as a trip to the allotment.
In Writing lessons this term, we will be looking at writing our own non-chronological report and persuasive letter. We will be covering skills such as fronted adverbials, relative clauses, how to shift formality and parenthesis. We will also be recapping skills from previous years such as: expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to write compound and complex sentences.
We will be:
- Planning, drafting, evaluating, editing and proof reading.
- Composition – apply vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
- Composition – structuring and organising texts.
- Transcription – spelling/handwriting.
In Reading, we will be practicing use of the VIPERS skills which help the children to read. VIPERS= Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explain, Retrieve and Summarise. We will be focusing on developing one skill each week until we are confident using all of them.
This is our class book this term.
In the first half-term we will be looking at fractions and multiplication and division. We will be using the White Rose programme which is a mastery approach encouraging children to apply their skills via concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. To give children time to consolidate their Maths skills, they will also practice their arithmetic skills and times table skills every week.
Our science topics this year will be:
- Properties and changes of materials
- Space
- Living things and their habitats
- Animals including humans
- Forces
The children will work scientifically by:
- Planning and conducting investigations
- Making predictions
- Record their results
- Evaluating their findings
Useful links
Contact us
Use the form below to get in contact with the class teacher.